

We offer amazing experiences

Through diverse and thrilling experiences, led by our expert guides, we share deep knowledge of the wetlands. In addition, we share a cultural experience with the local community and a special place to connect with nature with our exclusive access to the Fernández Lake.

Land safari through the Guasu-kua reserve and the Iberá national park2023-01-13T03:18:02+00:00

2 miles of trails through an environment of Argentine Espinal, grassland and forest, reaching a “pirizal” on the coast of the wetland, which can be contemplated in its full extent from the top of a viewpoint tower. There you will be able to spot Black-and-gold Howler Monkeys and emblematic birds such as Solitary Black Cacique, Great Kiskadees and Southern Screamer and also more unique ones, like the Yellow Cardinals, the Strange-tailed Tyrant and the Crested Doradito.

The docility that characterizes the local fauna allow us to quietly observe and photograph many amazing animals, as is the case of the Marsh Deers, Capybaras, Foxes and Gray Brockets. Also endangered and restored species such as the untamed “Aguará Guazú”, the shy Anteater, the restless Collared Peccaries, the Pampas Deer and the Red-legged Seriema.

On night tours we can see the Gray Fox, Crab-eating Fox, Seven-banded Armadillo and Plains Vizcacha among other species. The low light pollution will allow you to appreciate a unique sky full of stars.

Horseback Riding2023-01-13T03:17:42+00:00

The view of the grassland from above, riding along the branches of Ñandubay and Espinillos and reaching the wetland on horseback, is undoubtedly an experience that you cannot miss.

In addition to daytime horseback riding, every year we organize multi-day horseback ride trips, camping overnight in the countryside, comfortably equipped and at the same time prepared to connect with nature in a unique way. Contact us and follow us on social media to find out more!

Boat Ride through Fernández Lake2023-01-13T03:18:39+00:00

The most anticipated moment for most of our guest comes when we get on the boat to navigate the Fernández Lake, a privileged place in nature due to its abundance of life. It is possible to reach this unique lagoon thanks to the 1.6 miles canal that allows us exclusive access.

Sailing alone, exclusively, in the immensity of this body of water, one of the largest in the Ibera Wetlands, will allow you to discover the home of Yacare Caimans, Capybaras, Marsh Deers, Giant Otters and marsh birds such as the Scarlet-Headed Blackbird, the Black-capped Donacobius or the Cocoi Heron. Experiencing a sunset in the peaceful waters is a moving experience that you won’t forget.

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